Monday, January 12, 2009

What is Center in your Life?

Every Year I set personal goals for myself whether it is to lose weight, spend more quality time with the kids, be more nicer to unlovable people, every year those are some of the things I want to accomplish. However, year after year Where do I always end up putting God? usually on the back burner. We all go through life and we tend to forget about those things we don't see paying close attention to what is directly in front of us and forgetting all the rest. This year I urge everyone to remember and pay attention to the things that maybe you don't see, the things you have buried deep within yourself or the things you have forgotten about whether it be a loved one who you don't hear much from and don't see because of distance or a promise to get to that garden out in the back of your house that you have neglected.
But most importantly how about GOD? where do we put God in our life? We look around and we notice his creation but do we think....God created this? do we even seem to care? Obviously God is invisible and we get so busy with our lives that we may put him on the back burner too....I urge everyone to take him off the back burner and put him on the front and center of your mind daily. because that is where he belongs. YES, God is invisible but if you allow God to be front and center in your life you will be able to SEE God work in your life and you will also be able to feel the magnificent power of God.
I urge everyone to put God center in their life Leaning only on him and let him work many miracles!