Monday, January 12, 2009

Do You Want To Belong to The Perfect Family?

Notes from the night service Jan 4,2009

Being Like Christ

Ephesians 5:2
Romans 3:10-27

To be fully like Jesus we must fully Rely On God not ourselves
We are all equal in Christ. No one is different in the eyes of God.

We must all start with a humble heart and recognize the power of God by seeing how we were before we became saved to now when we know Christ and we should live a life of gratitude.

We as Christ Followers do not want to take anything away from the cross. Once you have changed your heart to a heart of God you are saved ant that is all that is needed.

We Owe Everything to God. God owes us nothing. We are the righteousness of Christ. We can not measure our salvation by the deeds we do in life.

No matter what we have done in the past God sees us as washed in Jesus blood even if we make a mistake now in our Christian walk with Thee. HE sees us as washed in Christ's blood.

Before we knew God we all started at the same place. No one in this world is perfect no one can measure up to God so that makes the salvation of the Lord very very important.

Always rely on God's Grace for HE brings about full and complete salvation.

1.Faith 2.Justified, 3. Grace. 4. Redemption 5. Sacrifice 6. Atonement

Allow God to buy you back from captivity with the price HE already gave the blood of HIS son Jesus Christ on the cross.

God wants the relationship with us that HE intended for us to have in the very beginning the relationship that HE had with Adam and Eve in the beginning. HE wants to walk with us.

Jesus should be made the lover of your soul

Motivation to follow Christ in all things and be like HIM is deepened can and will be deepened by the Gratitude we have and by what we OWE HIM as HIS children. And by doing what HE asked us to do and by knowing and believing in what HE has done for us too.

The Challenge is to thank Jesus everyday and know that in doing this HE will make you Happy for only God can fully give you happiness.

Increase your Gratitude to Christ

Know this not one person on this earth can tell you if you are saved or not not a pastor or a priest not a friend or family member No one can tell you this only the HOLY SPIRIT can conform that in your life.

Many people make the mistake that because Jesus Christ came to earth and died on the cross and rose again that that means the old testament has been abolished this is not so

In Actual Fact Jesus did not come to abolish the old testament but to fulfill it.

Jan 11, 2009 notes from night service

Part 2
To Be Christian

Progression of Our Relationship to God

Eph 5:2

The Idea Of Adoption as God sees it is not the same as the world sees it.

We Are HIS children and Heirs of Christ. God sees adoption differently then we do.

A spiritual adoption is a complete transformation of our lives.

Adopted people that are adopted in this world into other families always hit a point in their life where they begin to ask questions. Who do I really belong to? What should I really be like? Who do I look like my mom or my dad? Why did I get adopted? Why did my parents give me up? and so on and so forth and sometimes they even get resentful and move away from the family that made them part of their family and loves them as such.

Adam and Eve messed up and stepped outside the Family that we should've belonged to all along that we should've had rights to all along. This is why we are born into sin but we do have a spiritual adoption that is being offered to us. Do you know that God chose you and decided to shower you in HIS love and HIS power and HIS blessings?

There is the offer of being adopted into the Lord's Family but it is up to us it is our choice to step into it and say ok I'm a Christian I am a child of the Most HIGH I belong to HIS family.

Yes Being called a Christ one in the beginning was intended for evil but God Turned it into something that is now good and used for Good This is a compliment.

Children are perceptive and see things. Earthly Fathers are not Perfect they never will be how we perceive God in the beginning has to do with how we view our Earthly fathers.

What you believe or not believe this msges do get stuck in our heads about how God is because of relationships that we have with our earthly Father But GOD IS A PERFECT FATHER HE loves us to the fullest of HIS capacity more then any earthly father ever could and would never hurt you. Our HEAVENLY FATHER adopts us. WE all strive for a relationship with God even if you do not know it yet it is true.

Once we come to Christ God has blessed us with every spiritual blessing with Christ HE CHOSE US before the creation of the world even began to be in HIS Family. HE chose for us to be adopted in Christ. Through Christ God made a provision that everyone could be part of the Family of God. Many do not understand Spiritual adoption This is God's desire for all of us if we belong to Christ.

We are of abraham's seed if we are born again children of God Even though we are not Jewish (there were other scripture verses I wasn't able to write them down sorry)

Eph 5:8

From a Stranger we enter into relationship with God.

Servant= someone in the captivity and slavery of the Law a law we can not ever fulfill.

We go from being a servant to being a friend in Christ no longer bound by law.

Romans 8 somewhere.

Ephe 1:2 We are dearly loved from the beginning of time God wanted you (HE gave you something to Fulfill and gave you a purpose in life)

We have the opportunity to bring others to the table and to be part of the family we are God's child we can invite others to be God's child too.

God transforms us from the inside out. First in Spiritual then in the will then the mind then the body.

God works on spirit soul then body. By will power alone we can not do it. But through the spirit we can the spirit and mind are constantly at battle with each other. Once we recognize this we recognize that there is grace.

God's grace and blood continue to cover us. That doesn't mean we do what we want but it means that when we do mess up God has a Father's Love a Perfect FATHER'S LOVE that continues to watch and wait and will continue to love you while your still learning how to walk in Christ.

If we counted all of our sins it would break our relationship with our Heavenly Father making our adoption into the Lord's Family Null and Void. When you are with Jesus you are part of the family. Your Sins are washed clean.

We have the tendency to settle for things of the flesh and not things of God. We must ask God to move on our behalf and give us HIS full promises.

God loves and Accepts us completely. Based on our relationship with Jesus Christ. WE are in the Family we only now have to worry about how to honour the Father how to talk and how to Act in HIS name.

WE need to learn how to receive that love and give it back.

The Challenge is to receive God's Love.

FOR HE chose us from the beginning of time HE is A PERFECT FATHER AND HAS PERFECT LOVE.

KNOW this we are all Brothers and sisters in the Lord and we should treat each other as such with respect and love for all